Monday, August 20, 2012

I once thought I could be perfect

I read an article about how Maggie Gyllenhaal stopped judging other moms once she became a mom herself, and I got to say that I can really relate to that. I'm ashamed to admit that I used to do the same thing, in my head I would always think about how some parents didn't do a good job and I would think of how I would do it differently("better")...... then I had kids and my whole perspective about parenting changed. I was reminded that we can't judge people, we don't know what 's going on in their lives, we don't know what circumstances let them to be or do or act a certain way. I am slowly learning to leave the judging to the only one who is really aloud to do that. To God. Being a parent is hard and there is no perfect way of doing it. We all have our "I'm an awesome mommy" days and our "I wish I could start today all over again" days. That's just the way it is. I love my little ones and I know that with love and patients I can be a better mommy everyday.