Monday, April 30, 2012

maid please

I need a maid. I just really really need a maid. The amount of cleaning that I have is way greater than I am, it kicks my butt everyday. I just can't believe how much mess my kids are capable of creating. Here is a list of things that my kids do almost every day:
-dry juice or milk spills all over the floor.
-cornflakes everywhere (on the couch, my bed, their bed, the floors, the living room rug... etc)
-toys everywhere, this is a daily thing. They have tons of toys and they love to see them scatter all over the house.
-sticky fingers everywhere.
-they wear at least 2 outfits a day which creates so much laundry for me, which I hate to do.

mmmmmmm now that I write it down it don't sound that bad....... but it is, believe is.

oooohhh today

Today my kids are just being so so bad, my 3 year old decided to take off running when I took him out of the car, so I had to go chase him before he got hit by a car as I'm holding my sleeping 1 year old. kids kids kids... That just put me in a bad mood and now I don't feel like being in a better mood. So bad mood mama it is for the rest of the day.
So as I'm telling him not to do that ever again (he's done it many times), my 4 year old is mocking me....... I love them so much but sometimes I just wanna make them all take a nap at the same time so that I can have some time to myself..... but it doesn't work, I've tried.

Friday, April 27, 2012

not so sure about this

Ok so I've been wanting to do this for a while now, not so sure if writing my thoughts to the public is a very good idea..... but what the heck!!!!!!! I am not the best writer or speller and sometimes when I write my thoughts on paper, once I read them again they don't sound like what I was thinking.
We'll see how this goes............