Monday, September 17, 2012

I often use the " I'm sorry my house is a mess, I have 3 toddlers" excuse, but the sad part is that it is not an excuse, it's the pure truth.

 If I don't clean my house for 1 day, just one 1 day, it takes me about 5 hours to get it decent looking the next day and who wants to spend 5 hours cleaning? not me. If I want it to be spotless, it takes me about 2 days, but honestly I can never really accomplish that, unless my mom or mother in law are coming, then I have no choice but to stay up till 1am doing it. If my kids are spending the night at my mom's then I could, but I choose not to, those are my lazy days and they only happen about once every 2 or 3 months so I take advantage.

                                                              I wish this was me.

                                                              but instead this is me.
 OK that's not really me, I found this pictures online. (but you get the picture)

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