Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today my 4 year old was supposed to go back to school, for some reason they changed his schedule and instead of going to school at 10:45am, he now has to be there at 8:30am... why? why?
First of all I can't even think straight that early and my kids are not even really fully awake. I had a plan in my head as to how this morning was gonna go, I was gonna wake up at 7am, I already had his clothes and backpack ready to go and all I had to do was shower him (for some reason I feel the need to send him to school as clean as he can be), dress him, feed him and put him and my other 2 in the car. Of course none of those things happened... well I did feed them.
 I didn't get up till 8am, all 3 of my kids were still sleepy and didn't care to get ready. I only had 20 mnts to do all of the above things and there was no way that I could get it all done so I chose not to even try. I feel terrible about it because I know that it's my responsibility to be up on time, I heard my alarm but ignored it, and before I knew it, it was 8am.
 I feel so irresponsible.
At least is not like it was his first day at kindergarten ...... but still.

side note: If one of my kids hits me with a toy one more time today, I think that I'm gonna lock myself in the bathroom and cry.

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