Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm starting the insanity workout

Ok so after having 3 children, my body didn't bounce back to its skinny self like it happens to some famous people. I have stretch marks and a really ugly looking muffin top and I am really sick of it, my youngest is now 2 years old and I can't use the "I just had a baby" excuse anymore.
I decided to blog my progress because otherwise I won't keep up with the workout and maybe this will give me a push to do my work out everyday. I chose to do insanity because I guess you can get faster results. I am not a person who likes to wait, I want results quick quick quick, like on my 1st workout quick. I know that is unrealistic but for some reason I still expect it.

 So I took some pictures today and I really don't want to post them.... but it's the only way to push myself,

I know I know I know... ( I cropped my face cause I looked really weird) but I am hoping that in 60 days my pictures will look way way better than this, and I really hope that I don't quit this workout because today was my first day and I did the fitness test and that thing kicked my butt, it took me about 1 hour to recover.

SO I will be updating my progress every Tuesday, we will see how it all goes.

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